Category: improve parent communication

Parent learning to communicate

The team of senior consultants at Just Add Parents has experience built up over decades of helping schools improve parent communication. The team has worked across most phases and settings, including state and independent pre-school, school and higher education. As part of the school community, we believe it is important to share the knowledge and learnings we develop in partnership with the schools and other institutions we work with.


Free tools

Underpinning our strategy and training for school leaders and communications staff is is a set of tools and methods designed by our expert team to support the in-house teams within schools responsible for parent communication.

    Parents with children

    The Parent-Engagement Gap

    Our approach rests on understanding the complex nature of the learning gap that is common between schools and parents. This gap, which we describe as the Parent-Engagement Gap, has been revealed during the coronavirus pandemic as a deep problem, and closing this gap with schools has become our core goal.


    A brief history of parent engagement

     Just Add Parents is a research-led organisation committed to advising schools based on evidence of what works. We have analysed more than 6,000 mentions of “parent” in over 40 government reports, reviews and command papers in the past 50 years. We keep this timeline up to date.